The sound /ɑʊ/ diphthong


This means your mouth should move from one position to another.




  • "ow" - cow, brown
  • "ou" - about, found
  • "ough" (less common) - bough, drought

This vowel is usually stressed, as in these words:
  • power
  • loudly
  • about
However, /ɑʊ/ can also be unstressed, as in these words:
  • doghouse
  • turnout
  • outside
Compare /ɑʊ/ with /ɑ/:

The sound /ɑ/ is a low, central vowel. The sound /ɑʊ/ starts as /ɑ/, but it moves quickly into a high, back vowel.

You can hear the difference between /ɑʊ/ and /ɑ/ in these words.
1. A. mouse, B. moss
2. A. bound, B. bond
3. A. pout, B. pot
4. A. our, B. are
5. A. mouth, B. moth
6. A. tower, B. tar

Now compare /ɑʊ/ with /ow/:

The sound /ow/ is a mid, back vowel. The sound /ɑʊ/ starts as a low, central vowel but moves into a high, back vowel.

You can hear the difference between /ɑʊ/ and /ow/ in these words.
1. A. out, B. oat
2. A. rouse, B. rose
3. A. couch, B. coach
4. A. bowel, B. bowl
5. A. drown, B. drone
6. A. found, B. phoned
Listen and repeat these words:
1. now
2. mouse
3. crowd
4. couch
5. outer
6. allow
7. brown
8. count
9. sound
10. vowel
11. shower
12. loudly
13. lounge
14. renowned
15. doghouse
16. doubtless
17. pronounce 
18. powerful
19. coward
20. roundabout

Now, practice /ɑʊ/ in sentences. Say the words first, then the sentences.
1. how - about - now 
How can you think about food right now?
2. encountered - crowd - outside
We encountered a large crowd outside.
3. scout - down - mountain
The scout led us down the mountain.
4. our - flowers - brown
Our flowers are turning brown.
5. allowed - loud - house
You're not allowed to play loud music in the house.
6. found - couch - lounge
I found him on the couch in the lounge.

To practice with different varieties of English, choose another native English speaker by clicking one of the links below:


This means your mouth should move from one position to another.




  • "ow" - cow, brown
  • "ou" - about, found
  • "ough" (less common) - bough, drought

This vowel is usually stressed, as in these words:
  • power
  • loudly
  • about
However, /ɑʊ/ can also be unstressed, as in these words:
  • doghouse
  • turnout
  • outside
Compare /ɑʊ/ with /ɑ/:

The sound /ɑ/ is a low, central vowel. The sound /ɑʊ/ starts as /ɑ/, but it moves quickly into a high, back vowel.

You can hear the difference between /ɑʊ/ and /ɑ/ in these words.
1. A. mouse, B. moss
2. A. bound, B. bond
3. A. pout, B. pot
4. A. our, B. are
5. A. mouth, B. moth
6. A. tower, B. tar

Now compare /ɑʊ/ with /ow/:

The sound /ow/ is a mid, back vowel. The sound /ɑʊ/ starts as a low, central vowel but moves into a high, back vowel.

You can hear the difference between /ɑʊ/ and /ow/ in these words.
1. A. out, B. oat
2. A. rouse, B. rose
3. A. couch, B. coach
4. A. bowel, B. bowl
5. A. drown, B. drone
6. A. found, B. phoned
Listen and repeat these words:
1. now
2. mouse
3. crowd
4. couch
5. outer
6. allow
7. brown
8. count
9. sound
10. vowel
11. shower
12. loudly
13. lounge
14. renowned
15. doghouse
16. doubtless
17. pronounce 
18. powerful
19. coward
20. roundabout

Now, practice /ɑʊ/ in sentences. Say the words first, then the sentences.
1. how - about - now 
How can you think about food right now?
2. encountered - crowd - outside
We encountered a large crowd outside.
3. scout - down - mountain
The scout led us down the mountain.
4. our - flowers - brown
Our flowers are turning brown.
5. allowed - loud - house
You're not allowed to play loud music in the house.
6. found - couch - lounge
I found him on the couch in the lounge.

To practice with different varieties of English, choose another native English speaker by clicking one of the links below:

Consonants /d/ and /g/

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