The sound /w/ voiced, bilabial glide




  • "w" - win, switch
  • "wh" - white, when
  • "u" - quit, persuade

The sound /w/ is in these clusters:
  • Beginning of a Syllable
/kw/ ("qu") - quick
/sw/ ("sw") - switch
/tw/ ("tw") - twice
/dw/ ("dw") - dwell
/skw/ ("squ") - square
  • End of a Syllable
Grammar Tip: 

Most "wh-" question words in English begin with /w/:
  • When
  • Where
  • Why
  • Which
However, a few "wh-" question words begin with /h/:
  • Who
  • Whose
  • How



Compare /w/ with /v/:

Both /v/ and /w/ are voiced consonants that involve lip movement. However, /v/ is a voiced labiodental consonant, and /w/ is a bilabial glide. When you pronounce /w/, your lips should form a circle and move to an open position, without touching your teeth. However, when you pronounce /v/, your upper lip should rub against your lower teeth.

You can hear the difference between /w/ and /v/ in these words.
1. A. wet, B. vet
2. A. went, B. vent
3. A. wine, B. vine
4. A. west, B. vest
5. A. wheel, B. veal
6. A. wary, B. very

Now, compare /w/ with /b/:

These are both voiced bilabial consonants. However, /w/ is a glide and /b/ is a stop. When you pronounce /w/, your lips should not touch each other and the air in your mouth should not stop.

You can hear the difference between /w/ and /b/ in these words.
1. A. wed, B. bed
2. A. white, B. bite
3. A. what, B. but
4. A. await, B. abate
5. A. rewind, B. rebind
6. A. wobble, B. bauble
Listen and repeat these words:
1. what
2. way
3. win
4. word
5. switch
6. twice
7. dwell
8. queen
9. weather
10. whisper
11. waterfall
12. away
13. unwise
14. rewind
15. between
16. require
17. unswerving
18. underwater
19. aware
20. westward

Now, practice /w/ in sentences. Say the words first, then the sentences.
1. weather - will - wet
The weather will be very wet tomorrow.
2. what - want - watch
What do you want to watch this evening?
3. working - whisper - quietly
Other people are working, so please whisper quietly.
4. quick - walk - between
I often take a quick walk between classes.
5. sweater - will - warm - winter
A sweater will keep you warm in winter.
6. were - aware - requirements
Were you aware of the requirements?

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Consonants /d/ and /g/

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