The sound /ʒ/ voiced, alveo-palatal, fricative consonant




  • "s"/"si" - usually, vision
  • "g"/"ge" - rouge, genre

Grammar Tip:

The sound /ʒ/ is most common in the suffix “-sion.” This suffix transforms some verbs into nouns. If the verb ends in -ude/-ide/-ode/-ade, -ise, -use, or -vert, the final sound often becomes /ʒən/.Lightly press the front part of your tongue between your alveolar ridge and your soft palate. The sides of your tongue should lightly touch your back upper teeth.
  • -ude/-ide/-ode/-ade: conclude --> conclusion; invade --> invasion
  • -rt: convert --> conversion
  • -use: confuse --> confusion
  • -ise: revise --> revision
Compare /ʒ/ and /ʃ/:

These are both alveo-palatal fricative consonants. However, /ʒ/ is voiced and /ʃ/ is voiceless.

Now, compare /ʒ/ and /dʒ/:

These are both voiced, alveo-palatal consonants. However, /ʒ/ is a fricative and /dʒ/ is an affricate. For /dʒ/, the air in your mouth should stop before being released.
Listen and repeat these words:
1. genre
2. beige
3. massage
4. prestige
5. camouflage
6. casual
7. Asia
8. treasure
9. confusion
10. version
11. conversion
12. decision
13. enclosure
14. usually
15. inclusion
16. measurement
17. television
18. erosion
19. invasion
20. casualty

Now, practice /ʒ/ in sentences. Say the words first, then the sentences.
1. usually – television – I usually don’t watch much television.
2. casually – occasion – Should I dress casually for this occasion?
3. collision – explosion – The collision of the two airplanes caused an explosion.
4. measure – erosion – It’s difficult to measure how much erosion has occurred.
5. pleasure – Asia – It was a pleasure to visit my friends in Asia.
6. decision – confusion – The president’s decision caused some confusion.

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Consonants /d/ and /g/

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